Specification & contract management
Following a Feasibility Study, TTS will be responsible for the production of detailed designs, specifications, construction drawings and bills of quantities to address the development issues it identified; thus ensuring that the appropriate PQS can be achieved. If then appointed to carry out the project, TTS will manage the construction stage to ensure that the PQS are met.
Specification design
The documentation produced by TTS will include the following:
- Introduction and site information
- Site location and access
- A summary of findings from the feasibility study
- General scope
- Detailed project specification.
- Drawings showing details such as proposed layout, existing and proposed levels, drainage layout, cross-sections, schedule of inspection chambers including invert levels and Isopachytes
- Indicative work programme
- Confirmation or otherwise as to whether the project is notifiable under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 and inform the Client of their responsibilities under these regulations.
- Assist in the appointment of a CDM Coordinator (if appropriate)
- Assessment of residual risk.
Contract Management
This phase will include the following:
- Chair a pre-contract meeting to address any issues raised prior to presiding over the signing of a contract agreement
- Produce a Project Directory.
- Organise, chair and administer regular site meetings/visits including the provision of agendas and minutes, and observe key operations to confirm compliance with the specification. These may include, but are not limited to, inspections and testing of Site remodelling / re-grading, topsoil placement, drainage installation, materials testing (soil, sand, rootzone and gravel), seedbed preparation, grass establishment.
- Initiate and maintain a Site Visit Log to keep a record of site activities as the project progresses. Information may include the project name, Client, Contractor, Contract Administrator and CDM Coordinator, project start date, date of visits, plant on site, weather conditions, ground conditions, comments and observations on progress, a summary of recommendations agreed during the site visit, details of materials conformance testing. Prepare financial statements and cash flow forecasts as required, assess valuations provided by the contractor and produce interim and final valuation certificates, produce sectional and practical completion certificates, prepare snagging list.
Sport England Framework Provider - 'Consultancy services for Natural Grass Pitches'